Thursday, October 29, 2009

October is almost gone...until next year.

I really dont know the point of the title for this post, its just running through my head, I have 2 more full days of october and its over. Where has this year gone? Just 8 months ago Emma turned one, ONE I tell year in 4 months she will be 2. My little baby girl will be 2!

I know im not the only person that feels their life is going by fast but really mine is going really fast, promise. I have so much going on in my life, some good/positive some bad/negative and some that I hate dealing with because its ridiculous. I cant wait for things to go my way for once so I can have complete happiness and no stress, will that day ever come?

Thats really all I have to say.

Monday, October 19, 2009

My life isnt easy, but im not complaining :)

My life is far from easy, just like yours, like one of my fellow bloggers wrote in her blog a few weeks ago.."if life was good we would all be good at it" or something like that, anyways you get the point.

Anyways...heres my life in a nutshell the past 2 years...oh and idk why im doing this i just feel like seeing it in front of my face.

Two weeks after graduation I moved out to california to be a nanny for the sole purpose of getting away from ohio. Theres nothing wrong with ohio, except the snow and the rain haha oh and the face that there was really nothing for me there....i wanted nothing to do with college at the time, i just wanted out of the small town with all of the people with their small town mentality. Its so funny to me since I have moved out here i have really come to realize how closed minded and mean and hateful people in my town and high school really were....High school was a cruel cruel world for me and im so thankful I never have to go back, anyways im getting side tracked.

I moved out here and joined the Conner Family. Which at the time consisted of Chuck, Kelly, James Danyele and Charlie. Danyele was only here half time because she lived with her mother in redlands and James moved in the same time I did from their moms. At this time we found out Kelly was pregnant with a baby boy who they named Hunter. Hunter was born in november at the time Charlie was turning 1. My job was pretty much easy that summer and up until Kelly had Hunter. She only worked monday-thursday and was home every night. I did really have friends out here that summer besides Brandy who is a friend from ohio also working as a nanny in Southern california, so between Kelly and Brandy I kept myself pretty occupied. Well later in the summer I found out that I was pregnant and would be having a baby at the begining of march 2008. I was scared, scared to death but at the same time I was excited. I was excited because I was going to have a daughter and I was going to get to share a mother daughter bond with someone sooner than I had ever imagined. Being so young and pregnant was never something to be proud of, I wasnt with Emmas father, we didnt talk and I knew that if I was going to have a child it was going to be on my own and I was okay with that I really was. Everytime I got sad or would rethink it I just told myself hey, my mom did this by herself half the time with two kids so i think I can handle one. My family is full of very strong willed women and I knew that with a little faith and hope and help from my friends and family I could do anything I wanted.

Well hunter was born in November and I was 3.5 months away from having my own baby. Charlie and hunter both taught me so much about being a parent and taking care of a newborn. I didnt have many problems with my pregnancy so I was able to work until the end of february 2008 and then Nanny Samantha took over. My mother and brandy were in the delivery room with me which was a blast and you would know that if you knew my relationship with my mom as well as with brandy. Oh and i experienced my first earthquake haha! Anyways at the end of march courtney came out here and helped me move emma and I home to ohio so I could focus on us and work and save up money as well as allow someone else to tend to Charlie and hunter like they needed.

Yeah so I moved home, got a job at vancrest health care center taking care of the old folks which I loved as well as the girls i worked with :) Then July came around and I was given the opportunity to move back to california and work again as the nanny for the Conner Family which i took because again ohio wasnt for me. So blah blah blah nothing too exciting happened or nothing really needed to be posted for everyone to see haha Lets just saw California has been waaaaaaaay fun for me the second time around. I wasnt pregnant, I was older, I had more friends and had the time to go out and do things. The job was a bit more tougher because Danyele moved up here, hunter and charlie were getting older, Kelly and chuck were both working full time so were gone for days at a time which left me to take care of the household when they were gone which is okay, i handled it just like any other nanny would.

Time went by, I met a lot of amazing people who have turned into the best of friends and I loved like I never thought I could before. Two years later I went back to college, I have done a good job at saving money for both emma and I and our future together. Going back to school has always been important to me and I feel that this year was the right time for me to go back. Kelly Lambert and Chuck are no longer together but he met an amazing woman who is also named Kelly. Her and her two children moved in with us a couple weeks ago and I can honestly say I think it has turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to anyone involved. Yeah we have our little fights and disagreements but for the most part we are having so much fun as a family that consists of ten people, Chuck, Kelly, Me, Maddie (who is the best roommate) James, Cory, Danyele, Charlie, Hunter and Emma, All one big happy (for the most part) Family. Dont get me wrong these fools havent replaced my family but they are the best family I could have away from home.

This blog totally makes my life sound super easy. But really its not, Life is hard, its not always fair and its not always what you want it to be. Being a nanny is hard and tiring and takes a lot out of you but I love it just because I get to spend all of my time with Emma. Im a stay at home mom, student and nanny for an awesome family and right now at this point in my life I wouldnt have it any other way :)

Thats enough for now.
Much love

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Things are good.

Sooo its been awhile since I have posted.
Ive had good days ive had bad days but i finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. What has happened in the past month isnt the end of the world, people deal with break ups everyday and ive realized im not the first or last woman that will go through it, so really im okay.

Things have been going good for me...Kelly and her children are all moved in. Maddie and I are the best of room mates ever :) I love having her around its nice for someone to keep me company besides babies, we have a lot of fun together just being dumb.

soo thats really all I have to say....

yep. thats it.
Good night.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I should be getting ready...

But i dont feel like it just yet. Oh ps. i decided i really need to proof read my posts before i actually submit them, sorry about all the mistakes and what not in the last post but i guess this isnt a college essay so it doesnt have to be perfect:)

not much has happened. my life was turned upside down and around and all sorts of stuff has been going on but lets not talk about that......Kelly, Maddie and Cory moved in this weekend! Oh so fun to have a big family. It was very stressful in the begining but now we are working on getting everyone and everything settled and surprisingly we've almost got it! I hope everyone learns to love it here, i hope we all get along, i dont like to fight with people i just like to live life and do what we do....

okay so this isnt long but i felt like posting something, im going to go get ready now, really i am.