Sunday, March 28, 2010

Girls should seriously think about this....

instead of wasting their time on duds. Got this from yahoo and every article I read on yahoo like this i put my own life into the scenario haha no joke...

Dating 101: Is He Mr. Right?

Dating Trait #1: He listens to you
The best way to know if Mr. Next is interested in (and worthyof) being a candidate for Mr. Right? He listens to you. You'll know he's listening when he shows genuine concern, consistently remembers things you've told him (your birthday, favorite food, best friend's name, etc.), and offers emotional support in honest and thoughtful ways.

Dating Trait #2: He connects with you easily
We've all been in those relationships that take W-O-R-K (and suck the life force out of us in the process). When a relationship works on its own, it feels effortless, easy, and fluid. You don't have to force anything, forgive anyone, or turn a blind eye to red flags or gut-twisters. Instead, you communicate and collaborate with comfort, compatibility, and undeniable chemistry. If and when you experience this kind of interaction, you are on to something really special.

Dating Trait #3: He wants the real you
So often, women feel the need to sacrifice some part of themselves to make a relationship work. In the right relationship, there's no need. You don't have to hide, tone down, or apologize for any aspect of you or your fabulous life. With the right partner, you're not only able to be yourself, but you're better able to be the best version of your most authentic self -- no compromises needed.

Dating Trait #4: He's trustworthy
A relationship without trust is doomed from the start.
A relationship without trust is doomed from the start. But a relationship with abundant trust? A fabulous foundation for real and lasting love! Built over time, trust is based on the simple belief system that your partner has your best interests at heart and will never intentionally hurt you (and vice versa). If and when you discover that Mr. Next is 100 percent trustworthy, you'll have no trouble giving your heart to him. In return, he'll most likely give you his heart and pave the way for a lasting, loving relationship to unfold.

Dating Trait #5: He enriches your life
In the wrong relationship, your partner tears you to emotional shreds, brings you down, and in general drains your energy. In the right relationship, he enriches your life, inspires you to be your best self, and brings a sense of peace and possibility to you. You'll know Mr. Next is enriching your life if and when he encourages and supports you professionally, personally, and spiritually. And when he does, he may just be Mr. Right!

Does your Mr. Next possess all five qualities? If so, congratulations! You have done your homework, chosen wisely, and are now well positioned for relationship success.

If not, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back into the dating pool with a clearer understanding of who you want to date. Remember, finding your life partner isn't always easy, but by being clear, honoring yourself, and acting accordingly, you'll cut down on wasted time with Mr. Wrong and Mr. Next, and ultimately make room for Mr. Right.

im feeling a little down...

and I think its because I know that I am leaving here and I just want it to happen like ummmm NOW. Im not trying to be mean...its been a good run here for the most part but im over it. Im over the whole nanny gig as ive known it for 3 years. Im ready for something new...I need a set schedule..I need more time to myself, more time with emma, more time for school...I just need more time all together and im not getting that here : (

Im not putting any of the blame on anyone for my unhappy.
ive been away from everything I ever knew for 18 years for too long. I miss everything. I really do.

okay thats my debbie downer post for you...

im gonna go walk. peace out.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Oh the Joys of being a nanny...kinda.

Soooo I woke up this morning feeling like pdiddy...grabbed my cell phone im out the door im gonna get my daughter..before I leave make my bed with perfection in mind cause when I leave for the day I wanna come back...

Im talkin..waking up way to early
boyyy its only 8:30...
ohhhh I could use another 30..

okay that was my failed attempt at a remake to Drunk Tswifts (kesha) Tik Tok...I know you enjoyed it, dont worry theres way more where that came from...

Anyways...time for the real blog..
I really did wake up this morning at 830..I really did go get emma, we made my bed and yes I mean we, she ALWAYS HELPS. And then I grabbed my phone and we headed downstairs for morning activities, brushing her teeth, breakfast, getting dressed and whatever else it is that 2 year olds do. I make breakfast which was delish and then after cleaning up my mess I decide that it would be a fantastic time to finish my english paper and get a head start on my work that I am so eager to get done.

Soooooo im sitting at the kitchen counter minding my own business, kelly is at the store, chuck is cleaning out the new turtle tank with of course my 2 year old helping and THENNNNNNNNNN I hear it...that AWFUL and I mean AWFUL SCREECHING NOISE that makes me want to kill myself...which of course I dont dare do because SO MANY lives would be anyways I bet you are wondering what that noise is...SHOOT ME NOW, but Sir Charles has arrived. Its really really annoying that he comes over acting like he owns the place SCREAMING at the top of his lungs because he doesnt want to leave his mother...i mean what can i say for him, hes a mamas girl but seriously hes 3 years old..he knows the routine..he comes over here just as much as he spends time over at his mothers but never fails...he screams. Hunter is better about the switcheroo than charlie and I dont know what to do...I need to invest in an earplug...earplug being singular because...well you know. I only need one : )

Luckily I was able to ignore his screaming long enough to copy paste my paper onto blackboard and submit it....5 days early incase you were wondering. I am oh so proud of myself..

Okay so heres the good shit.

Matt is home...SUPER DUPER excited about that and you should be too. Now that he is home and I no longer need to factor in a very expensive always growing texting bill into my life I might be able to afford to go out and do something with you if you ask...but dont ask for a few weeks...havent paid the 257.75 dollar phone bill yet. I am going to North Carolina in 26 days, yes I have a countdown and I cant wait! Ill get to see my favorite aunt and spend time with her as well as see matt : )

Heres some more good news..
You know that post I wrote about "omg im so excited and i cant tell you why yet"? Well, im ready to tell you. I got the job! The Nanny gig in north carolina and honestly I cant wait!! Lisa, the mother seems like an awesome person (mommy and employer) that I cant wait. Kinda stinks that the job is only transitional but we will see what happens. Maybe I will woo her with my expertise nanny skills that she will want me to work for her longer...we will see!

Well..i should probably get back to my life of screaming children in which I have no control over. no joke, they dont listen.

Peace out stalkers..
Nanny4life yo.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A blog for abby :)

Well well well....I have a follower...I just told her that I was going to wait and blog because I couldnt figure out what I wanted to blog about but heyyyy guess what! I found something, or someone in the case to blog about...ABBY!

Abby Christine Constantinople High has been one of my really good friends since 7th grade but I have know her since 4th grade when she had braces on her teeth and later on a cast on her arm because shes an idiot and not this isnt the only time I have seen her in a cast! haha Anyways weve been through a lot of more than anything you could think of and at the end of the day I know that I can call her (she may not always answer but she will call back) and talk to her about anything even dirty things! hahahaha living out in california and have been for three years and im getting ready to move to north carolina...but before I move to north carolina ACCH is moving to Flordia to live with randy : ) I am soooo happy and excited for her to be getting out of ohio and moving on with her life and i wish her and randy all the luck...

This is pretty much all I have to say..
Abby--Youre one of the bestest friends in the whole wide world that a girl could ever ask for. I wish you all the luck and I hope you know that if you EVER need anything, besides money, I will do what I can to help you. Always follow your heart and I know you will go far in life :)
Love you betch!
Siobs---nadine cheeks to you.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I have a huge smile on my face!

I am sooooo excited it isnt even funny!

Really thats all I have to say...I dont want to tell you why im excited yet but just know....I AM FREAKING EXCITED!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I am becoming obsessed...

---with checking my hotmail email.
Why you ask?
because this is the email that I have set up with the nanny website . The best website ever if you need to find a nanny gig, which by the way I am looking for. I havent really told that many people because I dont want to jinx myself and I think I wanted to keep it to myself for awhile but I think we all know that im not the best at keeping my own secrets in!

So ive been searching for the past week and I have been talking to a great family in North Carolina close to my aunts house which would be FABULOUS because shes the best : ) I think its the change I need, the change Ive been looking for the past few weeks and months.

Im not sure what made me decide to leave this life I have known for three years, I just think it would be in everyones best interest if nanny peaced the f out!

haha okay thats really all I have to say for now, I think...i might post later. we will see!


totally worth your stalking :)

Okay so really...things are totally starting to look up for me.

1. Ive decided what that change that I need oh so bad is going to be, I put in my "2 months notice" and told my boss as of June 12th 2010...I will no long be charlie and hunters "nanny nanny boo boo" hahaha dont ask about that name and no they dont really call me that!

2. Matt will FINALLY be home friday night : )

3. I am going to NC at the end of april to see Matt and my aunt as well

4. I am doing well in school which is something that has NEVER come easy to me.

well im sure i could go on, maybe, with reasons why my life is soooo perfect..and im being serious not my "i hate my life, but its perfect" attitude. Ive come to realize that things arent always going to go the way I want them to or the way that i think in theory they "should" so im just going to deal with it and get on with my life..

I would seriously write more but im getting pains in my hand..i feel the carpel (sp) tunnel coming on!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

im the luckiest : )

So it might be completely strange that im blogging again so soon since i wasnt for awhile... just sitting here in my room alllll by myself thinking to myself that I really am lucky.

As much as my job gets to me and drives me nuts I have something many americans would kill for these days, a steady paycheck. No matter whatm every two weeks I have a check handed to me. A check to do whatever I want with because I havent created any bills for myself.

Im lucky because my friends are always there for me no matter what...even if i blew them off the day before or yelled at them for being dumb...they are always there.

I could go on and on about why i feel like the luckiest person in the world when it comes to matt but im pretty sure im the only one that cares about that.. lucky.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My life is perfect.

For those of you that "get me" you might remember that Brandy and i used to say our life was perfect when we were having the worst days ever...well there you have it...well that should have been said yesterday...Yesterday, my life was perfect!

Sometimes I cant freaking stand myself haha im a girl obviously and with that comes emotional moments which I HATE!! likes seriously cut my wrists and black my eyes. lol buuuuuuuuut like everything else I get through it, im a nanny and a mom and i have three little sets of eyes watching everything I do so its probably not the best idea to bawl my eyes out when things are going right buuuuuuuuuuut thats what i did yesterday. spent most of my day crying because why? MY LIFE IS PERFECT! People would kill to be a 21 year old single mom to 3 kids haha no they arent all mine but sometimes i feel like they are because i dont always get the help i would life from their parents but whatever...this is what i get paid to do right? yeah guess so.

Anyways there you have reasoning for why (in a nutshell) my life is perfect. So im pretty much over being a debbie downer...oh heres one for you..

I know this boyyyyyyyyyyyy his name is maaaattttttttttttttttttttttt and hes the best. no really he is. enough said.

okay but really im excited for him to come home WHICH HE KNOWS, im just writing this cause i know hes creepin and reading it and he might be laughing because im writing like this but ANYWAYS....the only reason im excited for him to come home is because i can go back to texting him like a normal person and not running up 100 dollar phone bills AND counting ladies and gentleman! okay actually im just excited for him to come home and im super excited about my trip to north carolina to see his face : ) soo dont ask me to hang out April 22nd to the 26th because I WONT BE HERE!

Gotta go get the kids.
peace motha FUCKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAA! lol sorry just had to.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Emma is 2 :)

Today my little daughter is two years old.

Time as flown by its not even funny..I cant wait to see what the next two years will bring!

Much love.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Its time for me to go :)

My bag is pack, im dressed, makeup on, hair done and im ready to head out the door : )

OHIO here I come!!!


Monday, March 1, 2010

And I think to myself...

What did I do to deserve all that I have?

I have an amazing daughter who is almost 2 years old. It is so hard to believe that exactly two years ago she was due. My mama flew out here from Ohio to be here for this joyous occassion and my best friend brandy was by my side as well. Emma of course was fashionably late...8 days late to be exact...she was forced out when I was induced...who knows when she would have come out on her own haha Anyways...the point is...I have an amazing daughter who hasnt given me much trouble in her 2 years of life and I couldnt have asked for a better daughter with being such a young mom.

I have amazing parents...even 2300 miles away they all support me in every single thing I do. Even if they dont agree with me, they support me. I have been blessed with two sets of parents and I am glad God gave me the ones he did. They have all shaped me into the woman I am today and I dont think I could even ever try to thank them for everything they have done.

I have an amazing job as well as the family that comes with it. We have all had our ups and downs with each other but at the end of the day I couldnt have asked for a better situation for my first job out on my own. I have been with the Conner family for almost 3 years now and even though I have wanted to quit SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many times I am glad that I stuck with them because I have stability for myself as well as for emma and the children here as well.

Last but not least...theres someone out there that means a lot to me....I thank my lucky stars everyday for putting him into my life when He did. It couldnt have been more perfect timing and I consider myself very lucky.

Thats really all I have to say for now.

Sio <3