Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Ed plan.

Well, today I went to VVC to stand in line to make an appointment to talk to a counselor to figure out my ed plan. Lucky me, I got in today and now I have it, in my hands ready for me to complete everything written on it and then some. As of right now I have decided to head towards a degree in Business, sounds like a good idea to me considering its something I know I would be interested in. The counselor said if I finish what is required of my I can graduate from VVC in 2011 with an associates in business and from there finish my schooling down at CSUSB.

Anyways, enough about schooling. This week, even though we are only 2 days into it is going as good as it should be, nothing out of the norm. Working, studying and cleaning like its cool. I have found I like a clean house and I am constantly cleaning up after little children everywhere they go....to be honest I kind of like it but at the end of the day I am glad only one of those children is mine :)

Mya has turned into a full time house dog, not sure how chuck feels about that but its what she is. She of course goes outside to do her business but other than that shes an inside dog. Emma has grown to like her, when the other kids are with their mom emma can be found in a corner with the dog petting or hugging her :) Okay so after that last smile I have realized that I do that a lot, hope that doesnt annoy anyone, i just like to smile :) oops there i did it again haha okay sooo this is really all I have to say, I am going to take a nap while the 3 musketeers nap since I am done cleaning for the most part today, just a few odds and ends things that need too be tended to and then I will be making spaghetti for dinner....yummmmmm

Much love

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