And this monday is going to be different.
Yes, its a holiday but beyond that this is the monday that im seriously going to get serious about my workout plan. Im by no means fat or over weight but I have a goal, and I want to meet that goal so reach the confidence level I would like to be at.
I Siobhan am going to do the following (well I want to so im gonna try hard)
1. NO MORE EATING OUT...thats a hard one for me sometimes because its so easy although I have cut way back.
2. No soda at all...which isnt hard because I drink water all the time anyways.
3. Workout everyday for atleast an hour, maybe two..I have a bike that I can start using more and a gym membership that needs to be put to good use.
4. Last but not least I need to stop eating so much junk.. I dont eat candy and stuff like that but I eat food that I could go without sometimes.
Anyways thats enough about that..lets talk about what has been going on.
I went to the dentist as well as the orthodontist this week and things are good. January 26th i will be going into the dentist to have my wisdom teeth pulled so I can start the process to have braces. I have made the decision that I would like to make my smile better although I love it how it is now i think it could be better.
Not much has been going on besides this stuff...thanks for reading.
much love
Sio <3
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