Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Last Song By Nicholas Sparks

Okay, so maybe im waayyyy behind the times because I just finished the book last night and most people have seen the movie, if they have any interest in seeing it...well I have interest in seeing it. Buuuuut since Im so weird I like to read the book before I watch the movie as I have done with other nicholas sparks books that have been made into movies.

Anyways my point.

That book is sad, seriously sad, and im not going to lie...I cried...a lot. Maybe I cried because all I am is and emotional girl at times and thats what we do. We cry when things are sad. At the end of this book the girl and her brother find out that their dad is dying of cancer and he doesnt have much longer to live...okay if thats not sad in itself I dont know what is. I didnt cry until this part of the book because I remember watching one of my fellow classmates go through this most of our time in high school. Her mom had breast cancer and she was in remission but the cancer came back and eventually won. It broke my heart to think about that and what it must have been like to personally go through that. I know that I am strong, very strong but I promise you I will never be strong enough to lose one of my parents to cancer and thats that.

Even though this book is obviously not based on a true story, it happens. It happens everyday to children everywhere. Every single day that passes some child or children lose their parents to cancer as well as other illnesses or tragedies. All I really have to say is "im sorry". Im sorry you had to go through that and im sorry that you will never get the time back you have missed with your mother or father. I give you major credit for getting through it though thats for sure...

Okay sooo I think im going to end this post and go write a positive one : )

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